Sunday, June 27th, 2021
We don't want just a part but the whole of our heart to the Lord. God does not force you. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me. "(Revelation 3:20) God extends an invitation.
When God feels invited, when He feels that this is the desire in your heart, then God does a lot for you. Zacchaeus just wanted to see Jesus but Jesus wanted to stay in his house. No matter the conditions and difficulties, we still have love for this Jesus. "And I will pray to the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever" (John 14:16).
God needs to have complete daughters and sons, not halves. We must give ourselves fully to the Lord Jesus Christ. "For this is the time when judgment will begin at the house of God. " (1 Peter 4:17) Judgment on earth allows us to not be judged up there. We cannot take pleasure in the joys of this world all the time because this world will pass away. The devil blinds people. Often when God shows you the way you should go, man refuses because it does not fit his vision. Often we ask with the thought of what we want already in mind. We have to change. God is not our servant. We owe Him respect. We come to His house to beg Him to do His Will. "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. "(Matthew 6:10) God wants children with character. When you refuse God's action, you hold others back. Why complain?
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Paul was moved by the Spirit to speak. He had received something special. He speaks with determination so that those who belong to God can understand God's work and plan. God does not require you to do His program. Whether you like it or not, He will accomplish His plan. "For He says, and it happens; He commands, and it is done. "(Psalm 33:9) You cannot influence God's program. We must beg God to be in that program. Don't despise the Lord's grace and what God is doing for you! I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to children" (Matthew 11:25)." God does not take His time. He knows what He is doing. You think you are something but you are nowhere.
Hebrews 10:35
We must not rest on our laurels. No matter what people say or think, the Lord is coming back soon. Generations have passed but God is coming back soon.
2 Peter 3:1
The enemy seeks to overwhelm you with thoughts to cool you down, to blind you. No matter what men may say about you, if you seek His Face and cling to Him, God will look upon you. Zechariah was like that, he didn't feel or have a dream but he clung to the Word. But at the appointed time, the angel came.
Luke 1:5-7
Today, evil has become good but you shine as a light in this darkness. "You will be hated by everyone for my name's sake" (Matthew 10:22). God has prepared us for this time. See what is happening around us, have a clear eye to see the things that are taking place. "When you see Jerusalem taken over by armies, then know that its desolation is near. "(Luke 21:20)
So these men were obsessed with this. All this wickedness is going to be turned on you, and you are lying there asleep! The wrath is at the door, wake up! We must know God. This woman and man could have been angry at God for not having children, but they never rebelled against God. You take care of God and God will take care of you. No matter how long it takes, God has given you the grace to know how to touch God's heart.
"The word of the Lord came to me, saying, 'What do you see, Jeremiah? And I said, I see a branch of an almond tree. And the LORD said unto me, Thou hast seen well; for I have kept my word, to do it. "(Jeremiah 1:11-12) So if I am watching over this Word, then surely God is watching over me too. All the elders died in faith because they had the certainty that God will find them there in faith. God never forgot Joseph's bones but the bones of the others remained in Egypt. Joseph had the promise. No matter what the circumstances, you hang in there. God does nothing without His Word. To resurrect, He needs His Word.
When the body of the dead man fell on the bones of the prophet Elisha, the body came back to life because Elisha died with the promise. In that promise there is life. We want Jesus not for the millions but for the salvation of our soul. What often destroys men is the mouth. Some speak just to destabilize you. They say they are brothers but they are not. We must be interested in what God says about us. We must have a trained ear to know when it is God speaking or when it is the devil.
Peter had a vision of doing something contrary to the Word of God, yet it was God. Peter never said "get away from me Satan". Do not be purer or more spiritual than God. The Pharisees and Sadducees could even kill for it.
Acts 10:9-28
"On the contrary, let God be known as true, and every man as a liar" (Romans 3:4) We think we are more spiritual than God Himself. We always show that we know better than others. God gives gifts, let us use the gifts as God gave them. Let us not seek anything but to apply ourselves to what God has given us. You think you are spiritual, but in fact you are always logical. Peter never condemned the vision he received, yet it was contrary to what Moses had said. We are not to follow doctrines but we are to follow the Author of the Word. We think we are wise because we have memorized certain things. God does not want parrots, but He has chosen men whom He calls to the ministry. We must always seek to know what the Scriptures say. Never sell your birthright for anything else. Your true friend is the Word of God. When God allowed Job to go through the hardship, all of Job's friends left. God puts you through the trial to build character in you, to become strong men and women. Do not become doctors where there is no doctorate. You have to have experience with this Jesus, that is necessary.
Peter spoke to God and not to Satan. It is not us who say what is pure or not, but God. We see sin everywhere, even where there is none. Who can sanctify himself? No one. "And I sanctify myself for their sakes, that they also may be sanctified by the truth. "(John 17:19) It is not about my sanctification but about His sanctification. It is about God's divine grace. The religious spirit is like concrete. "We are all like the unclean, And all our righteousness is like a filthy garment" (Isaiah 64:6) God stopped at the vision, He did not explain the rest to Peter. God is spiritual. When God speaks to a son who is spiritual, God is calm because He knows that he will understand. It is the same with you. It is necessary to have the Holy Spirit to be led by God.
Luke 1:7
They could be angry with God, desperate about their situation. Those who do not walk with God have babies, but they do not (Zechariah and Elizabeth). Even when there is no hope, He is our hope. What you need, God will give you sooner or later. No matter how long it takes, persevere! Proclaim it and you will see it in your life. Faith sees beyond what exists. "If you believe, you will see the glory of God" (John 11:40) No matter what is around you, cling to the Lord. God cannot lie. He is faithful. He watches over and fulfills His Word. Believe and cling to the Word. He will never leave you!