"If my people, on whom my name is called, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) God searches hearts and minds to know what is inside us. So we want our hearts to be cleansed.
"Let your word always be accompanied by grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how each one should be answered." (Colossians 4:6) That we may give thirst to others. Events are succeeding one another: attacks, covid, ... These are times of anguish. "But for you who fear my name, the sun of justice will rise, and healing will be under its wings; you will go out and jump like the calves of a stable" (Malachi 4:2) God has His own. We are certain that He is with us. If God had not visited us, if He had not saved us, we would have been like the others. But God has done this for you. Be at peace always. What can't this God do for you? "Hoping against hope" (Romans 4:18) God proved through the people of Israel that He cared. Clothing, food, water, God always provided. For 40 years in the desert. This serves as a testimony for you today. God will never abandon those who are His.
We know why we praise God. It is a grace to be able to praise this God It is through praise that the walls of Jericho fell. To break down the wall, you need sledgehammers, rams. Joshua knew why he said to go around. In the natural, you couldn't see, but in the spiritual, something was happening. It is the same when you are in the House of God. God is doing His work. You are not here in vain, God is doing his work in you.
Romans 8:14-21
God always has His way. "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) All the difficulties I go through work for my good. Let's trust God in all areas of our lives because He cannot lie. "For He says, and it happens; He commands, and it is done. (Psalm 33:9) Even if we don't understand, just believe because God will explain later. It is through all these difficulties that God works man. "That the trial of your faith may be more precious than perishable gold" (1 Peter 1:7). Through the trial, God prepares you for what is to come. If David had never fought against the lion and the bear, he would have been afraid of Goliath. The Christian does not complain, he glorifies the Lord in all circumstances. The three Hebrews were there before the king and the furnace, but they did not falter. They knew who they were.
In my life, I cannot decide without consulting the Lord. David consulted the Lord every time. Even in choosing a wife, we do not look at the eyes but consult the LORD. Let us learn to consult God and I must be sincere in the search. What is your will then? We walk by the eyes and not by faith. It is no use hurrying to get married, for God gives everything in its time. In Egypt, the people of Israel were crying but God said 400 years. The trouble comes because you have rushed yourselves. Let us trust God and He will always give you the best. In the Garden of Eden, Adam didn't even think about it but God wanted to give him the best and God gave him Eve. God is the Alpha and Omega, He knows the end before the beginning, so how can I not trust Him? "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you what your heart desires." (Psalm 37:4) God knows that if you love Him with all your heart, you cannot desire anything but what is good. You don't sleep at night because you are burdened with worries, but God said, "Cast all your cares upon him" (1 Peter 5:7).
When we are told that we are sons, it is because God is our father. Our Father has experienced before us, He is good advice. The advice is for your success. "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God is giving you." (Exodus 20:12) In our time, today, parents can't say anything anymore. Let's trust God because we don't know what is ahead of us but He does.
A child of God is a child of God everywhere: at home, at work, in transportation. "(Psalm 69:9) The Holy Spirit must bear witness to you. God never makes half-children. If God makes you a child, we will see it. At Pentecost, their hearts were deeply touched, they put everything together, they were in the temple every day. They were not forced, but they had the desire in their hearts. Be attentive to the Word so that it can enter you. If it enters you, you will see the fruit. "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (Revelation 3:6) In trials, we are always complaining. But these trials are precious to us. Without suffering, you cannot claim to ever see the face of God. As He is, so are we. This condition must be fulfilled. The trial is the means by which God wants to purify you.
1 Peter 1:3-7
When you love the Lord and cling to Him, you will have trials. In the spiritual, all is well, but in the natural, it is a struggle every day. "Despised and forsaken of men, Man of sorrows and accustomed to suffering" (Isaiah 53:3) My brother, my sister, stop complaining. Have the same attitude as this Shunamite: "All is well. You don't run from trials, you face trials. When the storm rises, the eagle does not flee but goes into the wind and the wind carries it so high. The trials must lift you higher. How could we have seen that the three Hebrews were of God if there had not been the furnace? When the trial comes, face the trial and be sure that God can do for you. Don't run away from the trial but face the trial, God will be with you. You have what is in you to overcome the trial. God does this for a reason. "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." (John 2:19) Jesus didn't run away from death but on the 3rd day, He rose again. He conquered death.