Beloved brothers and sister, from August the 14th 2016 to August the 21th 2016, according to God will, the brother Léonard will be in missionnary trip in Spain.
2017 Happy new year message
PDF Brochure
E-Book Brochure
Missionnary trip in Madagascar From 11th to 21th September 2018 Agenda
Missionnary trip in Malawi From 19th to 27th Juillet 2018 Agenda
International Bible Conference 2018 From April 03rd to April 15th 2018 Thème : "The Body of Christ" and "The place of gathering for the elected" Announcement Accommodation Form
2017 end-of-year meeting From 24th December 2017 To 07th January 2018 Programme
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We wish you all welcome to our website. We hope with all my heart that you will be satisfied and that by this means you will have the opportunity to experience God through His Word and to acquire the Divine Wisdom; to have also the ability to discern what is right and what is wrong , to distinguish right from wrong, to see the difference between light and darkness, between truth and deception.
In order not to be tossed about with every wind of doctrine, by the ruse and the sleight of men, the Lord our God made all things beautiful and fair, but man has sought detours.
...I will also give thee for the light to gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
The Pillar of Fire above Bro. L. Lifese - Veracruz, Mexico
Beloved brothers and sister, from August the 14th 2016 to August the 21th 2016, according to God will, the brother Léonard will be in missionnary trip in Spain.