It is by the grace of God that I was able to take part in the convention in COTE D’IVOIRE from 12 to 19 September 2006 with brother LIFESE, and brother BARILIER and brother FRANK … it started at Bondoukou (1st step) 12 and 13/09/2006 evening and morning.
After the meeting of 12/09/2006 at 3:30 pm, he came to my heart in my hotel room to ask brother LIFESE to pray for 2 requests that I will submit to him :
1 – To receive the Holy Spirit for me, for my wife and for our 9 children including those living under our oof. 2 – To get a house for the retirement in 2008.
I told brother Menzan and brother Abou that I would like brother LIFESE to pray for 2 requests that I have in the heart without naming them. But it would be in San Pedro when we would reach there that I would tell him to pray. Then early in the morning of 13/09/2006 we went (brother Menzan and me) to the hotel Marahaba to fetch brother Barilier and brother Lifese to lead them to the place of meeting.
After greeting brother Barilier, we went directly into the room of brother Lifese who gave us a sit. While we were preparing to leave, I told him : “Brother, I have 2 requests for which I would ask you to pray for when we will arrived in San Pedro“ And we went out to go for the meeting. There it was brother Lifese who went to the pulpit first as usual. Here in his preaching as by a consecrated and his holy mouth, the Lord has answered my concern : “Beloved brothers, worry not about anything, whether for a house, food, cloths or anything else, know that the Lord will provide. But you seek first the kingdom of heaven and his justice … “ Answer to Request No. 2 (to get a house for retirement) “ … God showed in vision to Peter what he should do in the house of Cornelius. And the same God told Cornelius to bring Peter in his house. When Peter began to preach the gospel, he and all those who were with him received the Holy Spirit … “Answer to Request No.1 (to receive the Holy Spirit for me and my house).
I solemnly take God as witness here that I don’t invent this testimony. It is a reality that I experienced in Boudoukou on 13/09/2006. And I assert that brother Lifese Leonard is a true servant in whom mouth God put also his word. Listen to him and you will be blessed as I have experienced in Côte d’Ivoire. Because this man knew nothing of the two requests for which I would have asked him to pray for when we will arrive at San Pedro.
But as it is a true instrument of God, He inspired him to talk of them to convince me about two things :
1 – The answer of these requests. 2 – Confirmation of the Ministry of this humble and powerful servant of God. Amen !
Sand Pedro on 14-09-2006
Brother Jean Kouassi